
Ethical Clearance Reference Number: PsyREC-RA-186-23/24.
Title of project

Bystander behaviour from positive psychology perspective

I would like to invite you to participate in this research project. Before you decide whether you want to take part, it is important for you to understand why the research is being done and what your participation will involve. Please take time to read the following information carefully and discuss it with others if you wish. Ask me if there is anything that is not clear or if you would like more information.
What is the purpose of the project?
The purpose of the project is to explore the relationship between the positive psychology concepts of hope, gratitude, and forgiveness, and how these relate to people’s willingness and readiness to help others who may be the targets of bullying. I am especially interested in how these concepts relate to providing help in scenarios that include bullying and harassment based on gender, gender identity, and sexual orientation.
Why have I been invited to take part?
You have been invited because you fill the inclusion criteria of being over the age of 18.
What will happen if I take part?
If you choose to take part in the project you will be asked to complete questionnaires on positive psychology. You will also be asked to read three short scenarios that contain bullying behaviours, and answer questions based on these scenarios. Participation will take place on-line and will likely take around 15-20 minutes to complete. As part of participation you will be asked to provide your age, gender/gender identity, sexual orientation, and ethnic identity. The survey is anonymous.
Do I have to take part?
Participation is completely voluntary. You should only take part if you want to and choosing not to take part will not disadvantage you in any way. Once you have read the information sheet, please contact me if you have any questions that will help you make a decision about taking part. If you decide to take part I will ask you will click a consent box at the end of the information sheet agreeing to take part in the study.
What are the possible risks of taking part?
Bullying and harassment can be upsetting, and the questions may be distressing or uncomfortable especially for those who have been targets of bullying. If you feel distressed or uncomfortable due to the nature of the topic you do not need to take part of the study. You can also withdraw at any point during the study.
What are the possible benefits of taking part?
There are no direct benefits to you. However, this study aims to create an understanding of positive psychology and bystander behaviour. This information could be important in future interventions.
Data handling and confidentiality
Your data will be processed under the terms of UK data protection law (including the UK General Data Protection Regulation [UK GDPR] and the Data Protection Act 2018). This study will only ask for your age, country of residence, gender/gender identity, sexual orientation, and ethnic identity. I will not require your name, or any other identifying details . At the end of the study your answers will generate a participant number so there will be no need in using your name or personal information at any point. The data will only be shared within the research team with your consent. Liverpool John Moores University has a responsibility to keep information collected about you safe and secure, and to ensure the integrity of research data. Specialist teams within Liverpool John Moores University continually assess and ensure that data is held in the most appropriate and secure way. 
Data Protection Statement 
If you would like more information about how your data will be processed under the terms of UK data protection laws please visit the link below:
What if I change my mind about taking part?
You are free withdraw while completing the survey, without having to give a reason. Withdrawing from the project will not affect you in any way. It is not possible to provide you with your individual data or to withdraw your data after you finish the survey, as the responses are completely anonymous.  
What will happen to the results of the project?
The results of the project will be published in an academic journal and as a conference presentation.
Who should I contact for further information?
If you have any questions or require more information about this project, please contact me using the following contact details:
Minna Lyons; m.t.lyons@ljmu.ac.uk
What if I have further questions, or if something goes wrong?
If this project has harmed you in any way or if you wish to make a complaint about the conduct of the project you can contact Liverpool John Moores University using the details below for further advice and information:
Minna Lyons
Thank you for reading this information sheet and for considering taking part in this research.Please answer the following questions
1. I confirm that I have read and understood the information sheet dated 26/2/24 for the above project. I have had the opportunity to consider the information and asked questions which have been answered to my satisfaction.
2. I consent voluntarily to be a participant in this project and understand that I can refuse to take part
3. I understand my personal information will be processed for the purposes explained to me in the Information Sheet. I understand that such information will be handled under the terms of UK data protection law, including the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018.
4. I understand that my information may be subject to review by responsible individuals from the University for monitoring and audit purposes.
5. I understand that confidentiality and anonymity will be maintained, and it will not be possible to identify me in any research outputs.
6. I agree that the research team can archive my anonymous data for future research projects. 
7. I understand that I must not take part if I fall under the exclusion criteria as detailed in the information sheet and explained to me by the researcher.
8. I understand that the information I have submitted will be published as a report, journal publication, and/or a conference presentation
9. I consent to the above points by continuing to the next page in the survey