

Research Ethics Committee Reference Number:  

Title of Study: Personality and attitudes towards sexual coercion.  
You are being invited to take part in a research study. You do not have to take part if you do not want to. Please read this information, which will help you decide. 

What is the purpose of the study? 
The current study is important as there has been limited investigation into certain personality types and attitudes towards sexual coercion. The current study will aim to explore this in further detail.  

Why have I been invited to participate? 
You have been invited with an aim of another 300 individuals because you are a member of the general public that is viewing the advertisement for this study. This means you have access to view the survey from a device.  
The exclusion/inclusion criteria are that anyone 18 or above may participate and complete the survey. This survey is not suitable for anybody under the ages of 18.  

Do I have to take part? 
No. It is entirely your decision whether to take part or not. If you do decide to take part, this information sheet will be provided to you to keep. You will be asked to click an implied consent box at the beginning of the survey, this will be evidence for your consent. However, you can withdraw at any time up until the submission of the survey, you do not need to provide a reason for withdrawal.  

What will happen to me if I take part? 
Upon decision to partake in this study you will be asked to complete two questionnaires, the first being questions surrounding personality traits and the second focussing on certain attitudes or behaviours. The questionnaire will take approximately 20 minutes to complete. The survey will be designed using QuestionPro, this means it will be accessible from various electronic devices. Therefore, you will be able to complete this in any chosen setting/environment you feel is most fitting.  

Are there any potential risks in taking part? 
Aspects of the questionnaire may delve into personal experiences surrounding sexually coercive behaviours, this may feel uncomfortable or even distressing. In this instance, remember this survey is completely voluntary and you have the choice to avoid any question or stop the survey all together. All data obtained from the surveys will remain strictly anonymous and unidentifiable. If there are events whereby you experience levels of distress, please do not hesitate to contact the researcher using the details provided at the top of this sheet.  

Are there any benefits in taking part? 
There will be no personal benefit to you from taking part in this study.  
The potential or hoped-for benefits of the current study include shaping approaches to individuals exhibiting these traits to offer a more robust support system.  

Who is organising and who is funding/commissioning the study? 
This study is organised by Liverpool John Moores University and the lead investigator is a postgraduate researcher completing a PhD at the university.  

Whom do I contact if I have a concern about the study or I wish to complain? 
If you have a concern about any aspect of this study, please contact Allia Jabakhanji at A.Jabakhanji@2023.ljmu.ac.uk or V.J.Blinkhorn@ljmu.ac.uk and we will do our best to answer your query.  You should expect a reply within 10 working days. If you remain unhappy or wish to make a formal complaint, please contact the Chair of the Research Ethics Committee at Liverpool John Moores University who will seek to resolve the matter as soon as possible: Chair, Liverpool John Moores University Research Ethics Committee; Email: FullReviewUREC@ljmu.ac.uk; Tel: 0151 231 2121; Research Innovation Services, Liverpool John Moores University, Exchange Station, Liverpool L2 2QP 

Data Protection  
Liverpool John Moores University is the data controller with respect to your personal data. Information about your rights with respect to your personal data is available from:  
by asking one of the study team or contacting us using the information below 

Contact details 
Principal Investigator: Allia Jabakhanji  
LJMU postgraduate research student 
LJMU Email address: A.Jabakhanji@2023.ljmu.ac.uk 
LJMU School/faculty: Psychology  
LJMU Central telephone number: 0151 231 2121 
Supervisor Name: Dr Victoria Blinkhorn  
LJMU Email address: V.J.Blinkhorn@ljmu.ac.uk 
Note: Unless there is good reason not to do so, and if this reason has been explained in the ethics application that received a favourable ethical opinion, a copy of the participant information sheet should be retained by the participant.